Sunday, August 31, 2014


Crafting things did not go well last week, my friends. 

The makeup removing wipes from the last post? Moldy within a week.  Gross.  Trying one more time with distilled water.  The boiling water was evidently not enough.  Loved them before the mold, though, so I'm willing to try again!

I also tried making two tops.  Neither worked, for various reasons.  Not fun.  I'm going to take one apart and try again, though. I think I'll be cute, I just have to make it smaller. It's my own design, and I learned to make pin tucks for it.  That's something nice, at least!

The most sad news? The most horrible tragedy?  I broke my serger.  In the process I also almost put my eye out.  Who knew I needed safety equipment when sewing a skirt?  For the record, I was sewing this skirt, and it turned out super cute! The tutorial is great!  I gave it to a friend, though, before I took a pic of my version.  I loved it so much that I'll be making a new one as soon as I get more fabric! It is super comfy and flattering, and I LOVE the fold-over waistband.

But about the disaster...
See that little piece of metal?  That's the upper knife.  It broke off and flew at my face. I think I may have accidentally sewed over a pin. How embarrassing!  Now I have to buy a new one.  I'll probably buy a lower knife, too, since it's a good idea to replace them periodically. Or so I hear. They're kind of expensive, though, so I'm shopping around. Until then, I am sergerless. Or at least knifeless.

And I'm seriously considering adding safety goggles to my crafting supply must-haves.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Makeup, Remover and Fabric

Three things today! A little life-hack I tried, a recipe thing I'm hoping will work and a rant about fabric. Enjoy!

First the incredible thing I found out today! I've been using a tube of BB cream as my moisturizer/sunscreen lately. I've loved it! I thought I had squeezed as much out of the tube as I could, but before I opened a new package I wanted to try something I'd seen online...I don't remember where.  I cut open the tube and scraped out what was left inside into a little container.
Look at all that! The little container holds 15mL. The only problem now is that I'm dipping my finger into the pot- which adds bacteria, and it's exposed to light- which can break down chemicals faster. So I'm keeping it in the cabinet, and counting on using it quickly.  I'm just so excited that I got that much more out of that tube! Crazy!

Thing the second. I'm making homemade makeup-remover wipes.  There are a few tutorials/recipes out there on the internets. I looked at the one by White House Black Shutters.  I used almond oil instead of coconut and I used my CeraVe cleanser as the soap. Also, I didn't have purified water, so I boiled my water and added my other ingredients once it stopped steaming. I'm pretty excited about these. I hope they work!

The Rant. I went to Joanne's today to buy some fabric.  It was a mess.  Everything was out of order, and the bolts were falling all over the place. It was really frustrating.  Not to mention that I had a horrible time the last time I was there because of snooty clerks.  Hobby Lobby is out for various reasons. It seems that all is left to me is small, expensive local stores.  I've switched to buying yarn, for the most part, from my local yarn store- which I LOVE. But I really, really don't want to be spending that much on fabric.  Maybe I'll switch to internet fabric shopping, but colors and textures are harder to figure out online. First world problems, I know. 

On the bright side, I did find some fabric, and that means I've got some sewing to do!