Crafting things did not go well last week, my friends.
The makeup removing wipes from the last post? Moldy within a week. Gross. Trying one more time with distilled water. The boiling water was evidently not enough. Loved them before the mold, though, so I'm willing to try again!
I also tried making two tops. Neither worked, for various reasons. Not fun. I'm going to take one apart and try again, though. I think I'll be cute, I just have to make it smaller. It's my own design, and I learned to make pin tucks for it. That's something nice, at least!
The most sad news? The most horrible tragedy? I broke my serger. In the process I also almost put my eye out. Who knew I needed safety equipment when sewing a skirt? For the record, I was sewing this skirt, and it turned out super cute! The tutorial is great! I gave it to a friend, though, before I took a pic of my version. I loved it so much that I'll be making a new one as soon as I get more fabric! It is super comfy and flattering, and I LOVE the fold-over waistband.
But about the disaster...
See that little piece of metal? That's the upper knife. It broke off and flew at my face. I think I may have accidentally sewed over a pin. How embarrassing! Now I have to buy a new one. I'll probably buy a lower knife, too, since it's a good idea to replace them periodically. Or so I hear. They're kind of expensive, though, so I'm shopping around. Until then, I am sergerless. Or at least knifeless.
And I'm seriously considering adding safety goggles to my crafting supply must-haves.
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